business - branding - design

1:1 Mentorship & Coaching

coming soon

Welcome to your most empowered era, where you're unapologetically owning your genius, building a movement & vision that FULLY represents who you are, signing dream clients with ease, and hitting $20K+ months on repeat because of it.

All of my containers start with clearly identifying YOUR unique genius (aka the reason people want to pay you), tightening up your message, your content and offers, and dialing-in your visuals so that your brand FEELS like you, and instantly communicates your AUTHORITY. Once we do this, get ready to:

✨ Become the first choice for your people to hire. 
✨ Fill your programs without having to "launch" them.
✨ Make money every time you post. 
✨ Become recognized & respected for your big ideas.
✨ Be able to raise your rates with ease.

THIS is what happens in my world. 

You ready, my love? 

1:1 Business & branding Mentorship 

6 months

& 9-month Options


9 months

What to expect:

2, 1-hour strategy calls/month |  Telegram support M-F. This may be used for anything (ex: Biz questions, launch strategy, branding or content questions, questions for my psychic channel, etc.) | Copy & design zhuzhing on branding & marketing materials (sales pages, emails, posts, etc.)

All packages include:

Brand strategy Intensives

let's do the damn thing


We'll kick off the week with a Zoom session where we’ll tackle your biggest struggle when it comes to your BRAND VIBE, VOICE & VISUALS...

Then, you'll get a FULL WEEK of Voxer coaching & support (ie my eyes on your shit in real time), as you implement everything we talked about.

You're feeling stuck, uninspired & just plain bored with your brand (a sign that your audience probably is, too) but aren't ready to invest in a larger coaching container. 

✨ 1 90-min Intensive (up to 2 hrs)

✨ 1 week of Voxer coaching & support (M-F) 

✨ Google Folder with everything I write and/or design for you.



90-minute intensive +
7 days of coaching

this is for you if:

what you get:

Brand astrology reading

Umm, yes please

astrology + branding

OMG these are so fun. I'll read your natal chart (and throw in a little tarot) to uncover your brand vibe, voice, visuals and purpose. From there I'll show you exactly how to apply what we've discovered to activate your brand magnetism. 

Why does my brand exist?
What is my brand's most magnetic vibe & aesthetic?
How can I position my brand to effortlessly attract clients?
What am I here to share, and how am I meant to share it? 
What type of offers & services am I here to create?


1-hour natal chart reading focused on your brand

questions we'll answer:


Welcome to the podcast for spiritual women & entrepreneurs ready to embrace Tit's Out Confidence in their business, social media, & life. Get ready for binge-worthy episodes covering branding, business, mindset, astrology, and more. 

NO. 1 - Welcome to the tits out podcast! Here's what's gonna go down.


No. 2 - Have you gone dark on social media? Listen to this.


No. 3 - what if you're just doing it for attention?

coming soon




Mixing brand archetypes with your unique astrology is the ultimate secret sauce for your dream brand & biz. Ready to dive in? Start by taking this free quiz!